Focus on Securing Healthcare

Securing the health environment: Evolving cyberthreats demand shifts in strategy

Barely a day goes by without news of a new malware variant, zero day threat or medical device vulnerability. Hospitals and health systems have come to understand in recent years – with many learning the hard way – that their mission-critical IT systems are facing a relentless and determined threat from innumerable cybersecurity bad actors.

To survive in this fraught new era, healthcare organizations need agile, adaptable and forward-thinking strategies to safeguard their most important asset: data. In August, Healthcare IT News, along with our sister sites, MobiHealthNews and Healthcare Finance, will focus on the many ways the industry is succeeding – and the places it's falling short – when it comes to the all-important task of enterprise-wide security.

What you need to know

How to solve the 'Goldilocks' dilemma of health data sharing?
Healthcare information is being more widely shared than ever, but how can that be balanced with the...
By Mike Miliard |
The legal and technological picture surrounding data is a muddy one, and the healthcare industry is...
By Jeff Lagasse |
Biohacking connected devices: What IT leaders need to know about the ‘Internet of Humans’
A cybersecurity expert offers a comprehensive and in-depth look into an emerging area of healthcare...
By Bill Siwicki |
Imprivata, Vocera collaborate on mobile device authentication
The companies are combining Imprivata's Mobile Device Access technology with the Vocera...
By Mike Miliard |
Presbyterian Healthcare phishing scam hits 183K patient records
Data accessed during the breach may have included patient and health plan member names as well as...
By Nathan Eddy |
Leaders know that the IT department alone cannot secure an organisation, and that the easiest path...
By Rod Piechowski |
CISO security tips for managing hybrid cloud deployments
The complexities of securing a hybrid cloud environment are not to be underestimated as more health...
By Mike Miliard |
The IoT: "Every something that comes on the market is in essence its own small computer with...
By Susan Morse |
Hospitals often don't file for the funds because they're unaware of what can be reimbursed...
By Susan Morse |
A number one recommendation is to know all of the touch points for data: how it comes in, how it...
By Susan Morse |
Circuit board
There is an apparent lack of awareness of federal regulations in both the U.S. and Canada to keep...
By Jeff Lagasse |
An identity and access management expert illustrates this critical area of information security and offers tips on how to best control who is accessing protected health information (PHI).
An identity and access management expert illustrates this critical area of information security and...
By Bill Siwicki |
Ransomware and medical devices: How behavior analytics can protect patients
Medical devices must be managed from a security perspective, but also from an operational...
By William Scandrett |
Critical security tips for provider CIOs using public clouds
Two healthcare CIOs and one deputy CISO offer their expert advice to their peers, explaining how to...
By Bill Siwicki |
Intraprise Health BluePrint Protect can help detect, manage security risks
BluePrint's visualization software coalesces security program data from disparate sources into...
By Nathan Eddy |
How healthcare CIOs and CISOs can handle identity and access management
An expert in the strategies and technologies surrounding identity and access management walks...
By Bill Siwicki |
The rapid adoption of digital technologies is considered beneficial to providers, but it can lead...
By Jeff Lagasse |
Imprivata Identity Governance extends Microsoft’s IAM technology with role-based access...
By Mike Miliard |
Security breaches can happen outside of the four walls of a hospital.
By Susan Morse |
How to find and keep top cybersecurity professionals
The Healthcare and Public Health Sector Coordinating Council has developed a guide to building a...
By Mike Miliard |
How provider organizations can protect against credential stuffing and data scraping
With protected health information such a juicy target for cybercriminals, both data theft...
By Bill Siwicki |
EHNAC launches new advisory business for privacy & security compliance
The new service from the standards development group will help healthcare clients optimize risk...
By Mike Miliard |
Ridgecrest Regional spent $72 million on a building that withstood an earthquake, but broken water...
By Susan Morse |
As new cyber risks emerge, strategies evolving but basic principles still apply
BlueKeep? Dridex? A state of emergency in Louisiana? Healthcare security pros find themselves...
By Mike Miliard |
Doctor showing EHR.
The cost of a healthcare breach is about $408 per patient record and that doesn't include the...
By Susan Morse |
The fine is the largest ever imposed on any company for violating consumers' privacy, according...
By Jeff Lagasse |
Hospitals are paying for not vetting their vendors
More than half of hospitals say they've had one or more data breaches caused by third-party...
By Benjamin Harris |
Security concerns, budget restrictions hamper move to cloud
Even as the number of organizations ready to adopt a cloud-based approach is rising, nearly a fifth...
By Nathan Eddy |
Security, control of data seen as key barriers to cloud adoption by pharma
There's continued resistance from many pharmaceutical industry executives, who think it's...
By Nathan Eddy |
A team from the Institute of Global Health Innovation at Imperial College London published a paper...
By Leontina Postelnicu |
Large health systems better prepared on security, says CHIME Report
While most orgs surveyed said they have network access solutions to monitor devices connected to...
By Nathan Eddy |
Even as they often rely on outmoded data management processes, 70% of execs and IT leaders say they...
By Nathan Eddy |
Healthcare executives lack action plan to combat cybersecurity threats
The C-suite recognizes these threats, but 54% of respondents to a new survey said the biggest...
By Nathan Eddy |
CISOs report cyberattacks on the rise in healthcare
According to a new study by Carbon Black, two thirds of surveyed healthcare organizations said...
By Nathan Eddy |
As cybersecurity threats change, so must hospitals
A new assessment of cybersecurity threats highlights consumers’ growing role and predicts...
By Benjamin Harris |
The wide array of connected devices means "lot of different stakeholders that need to...
By Benjamin Harris |
Research from Digital Shadows found imaging files particularly vulnerable.
By Nathan Eddy |
You can't secure a network that you don't understand. Mapping hospital IoT is a must-do...
By Benjamin Harris |
Healthcare systems need to collaborate on defense and rely on AI and machine learning to respond to...
By Benjamin Harris |
The revenue cycle is an important target for cybercriminals because of the information that flows...
By Beth Jones Sanborn |
CMS booth at HIMSS17
Open enrollment, which begins November 1, will not be negatively impacted, CMS says.
By Susan Morse |
Man working in server room.
Hospitals and medical groups with limited security resources still have leadership options in...
By Susan Morse |
Anthem is being held responsible for cyber attacks that stole the protected health information of...
By Susan Morse |
Photo Source: The Legal Action Center
The settlement with New Jersey resolves two separate privacy breaches regarding members HIV/AIDS...
By Susan Morse |
The effects of Hurricane Florence are beginning to be felt. Credit: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Here are some of the things hospitals should be working to put in place and resources available...
By Beth Jones Sanborn |
Data illustration.
Executives and board members aren't cybersecurity experts so putting it in terms they can...
By Beth Jones Sanborn |