Government & Policy

By Janet M. Marchibroda 01:00 am July 29, 2005
The recent spate of congressional activity in health information technology bodes well for the future of health care.
By Nancy zz_Ferris 01:00 am July 28, 2005
Rep. Jon Porter (R-Nev.) plans to introduce a bill to get the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program, the largest health plan in the country, to use health IT.
By Nancy zz_Ferris 01:00 am July 28, 2005
A medical records code set currently in use is outdated and running out of room for expansion, the American Health Information Management Association says.
By Judi Hasson 01:00 am July 28, 2005
New VHA undersecretary puts his stamp on agency's organization chart to streamline the program that delivers health care to vets.
By Bob Brewin 01:00 am July 27, 2005
The new system is expected to save the Canadian province $350 million a year.
By Aliya Sternstein 01:00 am July 26, 2005
Senate committee members last week approved a bipartisan health information technology bill.
By Bob Brewin 01:00 am July 25, 2005
Microsoft confuses the names of EHR and new Office software, but VA argues VistA came long before MS Office Vista.
By Bob Brewin 01:00 am July 22, 2005
Neglect of systems engineering contributes to nearly 100,000 preventable deaths a year, researchers conclude.
By Nancy zz_Ferris 01:00 am July 21, 2005
Accenture survey of 519 consumers found that 93 percent expect electronic medical records to improve the quality of care.
By Michael Hardy 01:00 am July 20, 2005
Bob Dickson, a vice president at Acquisition Solutions, will work closely with Guerra, Kiviat, Flyzik and Associates.