Government & Policy
Open-source software could cost doctors $500 a month
A study pegs National Health Information Network capital costs at $156 billion over five years, with annual costs at $48 billion
The recent spate of congressional activity in health information technology bodes well for the future of health care.
The Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005, signed by President Bush, will require the establishment of a network of databases to hold medical error data.
Sunshine state plans to build a state equivalent to the national network for health IT.
A long-running debate over protecting the privacy of health information made an appearance at a House Ways and Means subcommittee hearing Wednesday.
Rep. Jon Porter (R-Nev.) plans to introduce a bill to get the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program, the largest health plan in the country, to use health IT.
A medical records code set currently in use is outdated and running out of room for expansion, the American Health Information Management Association says.
New VHA undersecretary puts his stamp on agency's organization chart to streamline the program that delivers health care to vets.
The new system is expected to save the Canadian province $350 million a year.