Government & Policy

By Bob Brewin 11:28 am August 01, 2005
Open-source software could cost doctors $500 a month
By Bob Brewin 01:00 am August 01, 2005
A study pegs National Health Information Network capital costs at $156 billion over five years, with annual costs at $48 billion
By Janet M. Marchibroda 01:00 am July 29, 2005
The recent spate of congressional activity in health information technology bodes well for the future of health care.
By Bob Brewin 01:00 am July 29, 2005
The Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005, signed by President Bush, will require the establishment of a network of databases to hold medical error data.
By Brian 01:00 am July 29, 2005
Sunshine state plans to build a state equivalent to the national network for health IT.
By Nancy zz_Ferris 01:00 am July 29, 2005
A long-running debate over protecting the privacy of health information made an appearance at a House Ways and Means subcommittee hearing Wednesday.
By Nancy zz_Ferris 01:00 am July 28, 2005
Rep. Jon Porter (R-Nev.) plans to introduce a bill to get the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program, the largest health plan in the country, to use health IT.
By Nancy zz_Ferris 01:00 am July 28, 2005
A medical records code set currently in use is outdated and running out of room for expansion, the American Health Information Management Association says.
By Judi Hasson 01:00 am July 28, 2005
New VHA undersecretary puts his stamp on agency's organization chart to streamline the program that delivers health care to vets.
By Bob Brewin 01:00 am July 27, 2005
The new system is expected to save the Canadian province $350 million a year.