Mahmood Sher-Jan

Senior Director of Product Management, ID Experts.

person hacking computer
By Mahmood Sher-Jan 05:48 pm September 24, 2015
There are almost 5 billion connected smart devices already in use. A significant percentage of them are medical devices, from pacemakers to drug pumps. They're already being hacked so often that the trend has its own nickname.
By Mahmood Sher-Jan 08:25 am October 02, 2012
More than just mitigating risk, an IRP can help healthcare organizations comply with HIPAA, but they require constant development. A look at some known tactics for making that easier.
By Mahmood Sher-Jan 09:00 am April 21, 2011
Data breach is an equal opportunity threat to hospitals and practices. As long as you hold and process patients’ protected health information (PHI), breaches do not discriminate based on the size of your hospital system or practice.

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