A person reading the label of a medicine packet.
By 08:45 am August 23, 2023

There is a need to modernise and optimise end-to-end prescription medication delivery while also harmonising pharmacy processes across the region.

A person holding a baby and having a teleconsult with a doctor.
By 11:00 pm January 16, 2022

At the HIMSS21 APAC conference, Jim Lim, Sector Lead for NCS Healthcare, shared how telehealth is a logical focal point for healthcare innovations to be brought to the masses. 

By 12:19 am July 28, 2021

Healthcare facilities are looking to artificial intelligence to optimise operational performance at a time when rising demand for their services is stretching resources and limiting the patient experience. Singapore-based ICT service provider NCS has responded with a platform that brings AI to the heart of a more responsive operational model.

By 09:27 pm December 14, 2020

Across the healthcare spectrum, the implementation of the appropriate AI tech can add value to clinicians, administrative staff and of course, the patient.


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