Epic, InterSystems take top spots for HIE and interoperability in new KLAS rankings

A new report based on customer scores found that the two companies outperformed other EHR-dependent and EHR-independent vendors.
By Bill Siwicki
10:54 AM

Epic Systems and InterSystems earned the highest performance scores in the field of health information exchange and interoperability in the latest study from independent research firm KLAS.

A primary question KLAS asked providers was, “Will your vendor be able to meet your interoperability needs in the next few years?"

KLAS ranked Epic the highest customer score (91.3 out of 100) among electronic health records-dependent vendors – and among all vendors. InterSystems was given the highest customer score (87.1) in the EHR-independent category.

[Also: See our big gallery of HIMSS16 photos]

Two other vendors broke into KLAS’s high performance/strong outlook category: Medicity and Informatics Corporation of America.

Interoperability is key to the success of population health efforts that support the transition to value-based healthcare and, what’s more, organizations unable to share patient data will find it very difficult to improve quality and avoid financial penalties under value-based care.

The KLAS report, “HIE 2016: Shifts in Vendor Performance and Provider Outlook,” is based on interviews with 332 healthcare providers to examine the current state of the health information exchange market and better understand vendors’ past performance and provider organizations’ outlook for the future, the research firm said.

Twitter: @SiwickiHealthIT

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