Survey analysis: MU Stage 2 extension should boost EMR adoption

By Jamie Thompson
11:36 AM

The recent announcement from the Department of Health and Human Services, extending the meaningful use Stage 2 deadline, has heralded a reprieve for many of those still concerned about meaningful use Stage 2. In December, Healthcare IT News asked its readers if they think the extension will help to boost EMR adoption.

More than half of respondents think EMR adoption will get a leg-up from the extended deadline. Many think providers will be more apt to adopt EMRs if they are not obligated to adhere to tight deadlines.

Forty-two percent of respondents, meanwhile, do not think EMR adoption will increase.

Even though the extension gives providers more time to demonstrate meaningful use, it still might not be enough of an incentive. Another possibility is that those providers who would be most likely to adopt EMRs have already done so.

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