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Matthew Matava, MD, President of the NFL Physicians Society, was at HIMSS15 to discuss the NFL's focus on mobile health. He spoke about real-time diagnoses and the successful utilization of interoperability by all 32 NFL teams.
Erin McCann, Managing Editor of Healthcare IT News, caught up with Erica Galvez, Interoperability Portfolio Manager for ONC. Galvez's session was titled Advancing Interoperability and Standards.
Attendees take a load off, but don't slow down, staying connected at IHE International booth.
Alexis Normand, Head of Healthcare Development Withings, addresses the crowd during his session titled Smart Devices, from Quantified-Self to Population Health. Normand noted that patient outcomes improve when health data is presented on personal devices.
Jeff Bell, Director of IT Security and Risk Services at CareTech Solutions, shares insights on how to avoid falling victim to cyberattacks.
Bruce Broussard, President and Chief Executive Officer of Humana, was Tuesday's keynote speaker at HIMSS15.
The #HITChicks community met up at the HIMSS Spot on Tuesday to tweet and network.
Patrick Conway, the Deputy Administrator for Innovation and Quality, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, speaks at Tuesday's session The Intersection of Quality and Innovation at CMS.
Attendees explore the latest technology in the exhibition hall.
Erin McCann, Managing Editor of Healthcare IT News, talks with HIMSS15 Social Media Ambassador Charles Webster, MD about... you guessed it... workflow!
McCormick Place has over 2.6 million square feet of exhibitor space. Attendees take a break outside from all that walking!
Jonathan Teich, MD, Brigham and Women's, discussed disaster preparedness in the hospital via his experience with the Boston Marathon and in Sierra Leone helping during the Ebola crisis.