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The Revenue Cycle Management Technology Adoption Model from HFMA and FinThrive generates insights and optimizes technology investments. Kim Waters, an RCM consultant at CereCore, offers a comprehensive look at the tool.
Patients from five of the health system's hospitals will now have access to University of Utah Health providers and resources through the new community-based partnership.
The Digital Medicine Society's seal aims to evaluate health application products' baseline security, usability and clinical return on investment to help decision-makers scrutinize which tools are best for patient care.
Hadassah Backman, RN, is a nurse CEO who says artificial intelligence could do a lot to help RNs with relentless documentation burden, while also helping organizations boost revenue and improve compliance.
A maternal fetal medicine physician at Children's Hospital Colorado shares a virtual care success story, with telemedicine delivering critical care for high-risk pregnancies across a vast region of the state and beyond.
Providers should push hard to maximize the use of generative AI and natural language processing tools – but validate performance for each system rigorously before making it available for widespread use, a physician author says.
India's Armed Forces Medical Services is exploring the use of emerging technologies with partners in local universities and the government.
A particular technology has enabled one of NSW's busiest private cancer centres to quickly implement the latest cancer treatment guideline.
Automation is helping staff save time and reducing the potential for keyboard errors, its CIDO says. Artificial intelligence is also enhancing medication history data for 81% of all available home medications so patient records contain fewer gaps.
"The AHA cannot support proposals for mandatory cybersecurity requirements being levied on hospitals as if they were at fault for the success of hackers in perpetrating a crime," says Rick Pollack, president and CEO of the American Hospital Association.