Rick Kam
07:59 am
May 04, 2015
Small data breaches have just as much risk and potential exposure as their bigger counterparts and no provider of any size can afford to ignore a threat of compromise to patient medical records.
Rick Kam
07:48 am
March 30, 2015
Three lessons from the information security front lines sum up the current realities and challenges.
Rick Kam
08:04 am
March 03, 2015
The traditionally different disciplines within IT shops can glean valuable insights from each other's best practices.
Rick Kam
08:05 am
February 02, 2015
Why response, not prevention, will ultimately determine privacy and security success.
Rick Kam
08:17 am
January 13, 2015
Even with the uptick in PHI-related security events, health entities have not kept pace with their incident response tactics. Here are tips for making that happen.
Rick Kam
08:09 am
December 02, 2014
Healthcare organizations can glean valuable insights from the large-scale breaches that have hit retail outlets.
Rick Kam
08:03 am
November 04, 2014
CIOs and CISOs can learn a lot from a consistent incident assessment even if the event did not ultimately result in a breach. Here are two steps to getting started.
Rick Kam
08:04 am
September 26, 2014
CISO survival guide: Tactics for easing the transition to risk management in ways that succeed for both the company and your own career.
Rick Kam
08:06 am
September 08, 2014
The Internet of Things is coming, whether you want it or not, and that will pose new risks for patients and providers alike.
Rick Kam
08:03 am
July 21, 2014
Because HHS Office for Civil Rights shaped phase 2 audits on phase 1, healthcare organizations should expect the coming round to specifically target HITECH provisions that were high sources of compliance failures. In other words: Get ready.
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