Paul Cerrato

Paul Cerrato has worked as a healthcare editor and writer for 30 years, publishing extensively in a variety of healthcare and business journals. He is the winner of six Jesse H. Neal National Business Journalism Awards. Follow him on Twitter @plcerrato

By Paul Cerrato 12:52 pm May 15, 2014
While an HIE referral arrangement reversal has upset the applecart for some, most providers are taking it in stride.
By Paul Cerrato 11:03 am March 27, 2014
Having IT is a necessity for hospitals, but for many, having an IT team to support that technology is a luxury. Here are some tips from experts on creating an IT team on a budget. The most obvious option is to replace some full-time IT employees with contract workers.
By Paul Cerrato 02:09 pm March 05, 2014
It's the rare hospital C-suite executive who doesn't worry about the federally-mandated financial penalties that can result from not reining in avoidable 30-day readmissions. Several companies have recently developed analytics technology to help counter this costly problem.
Troy Kirchenbauer, vice president and general manager of aptitude
By Paul Cerrato 09:24 am February 12, 2014 revolutionized the online buying experience for millions while giving sellers an expanded market. Now a new online direct contracting service called Aptitude is attempting a similar coup, letting healthcare organizations negotiate with suppliers in an attempt to speed up the contracting process and reduce costs.
By Paul Cerrato 10:10 am December 16, 2013
If we have learned anything from the debacle, it's that managers need to choose their IT advisors wisely. Here are some expert tips on how to stack the odds in your favor.
By Paul Cerrato 10:24 am October 17, 2013
For medical practices looking to put themselves up for sale, investments in new EHR systems might appear to be a smart way to up their value in the market. But that's not usually the case, says one expert, since the acquiring hospital will have plans of its own.
By Paul Cerrato 11:01 am August 22, 2013
Capital expenditure per bed for IT grew by 62 percent between 2010 and 2011, whereas total capital expenditure per bed grew by only 2.6 percent.
EHRs, tech help docs avert misdiagnosis
By Paul Cerrato 06:57 am August 15, 2013
The statistics are disturbing: between 10 percent and 15 percent of medical diagnoses are incorrect and those diagnostic errors have a high cost -- even death. To combat potential patient harm and reduce the costs from misdiagnosis, hospitals and medical practices are turning to clinical decision support tools.
By Paul Cerrato 10:16 am April 08, 2013
No longer a supplemental way to access information, mobile devices are a central part of life. Now comes the transition from mHealth initiatives funded by grants to lasting financial models.
By Paul Cerrato 09:27 am April 08, 2013
As mobile health gains ground as a way to improve population health and curb healthcare costs, models for making mHealth financially sustainable are topmost in the minds of stakeholders in the U.S. and across the globe.

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