Mary Mosquera

Mary Mosquera is a reporter for Federal Computer Week.

By Mary Mosquera 10:08 am February 07, 2014
Congress might be near a deal on an SGR fix, if they can get past agreeing on how to fund it.
By Mary Mosquera 11:48 am January 08, 2014
National health spending in 2012 increased at a 3.7 percent rate to $2.8 trillion, the fourth consecutive year of slow growth, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services said in an analysis.
By Mary Mosquera 09:32 am December 20, 2013
The Department of Health and Human Services has a few glaring management and performance issues it needs to work out in the coming year -- at least according to a new report put out by the Office of Inspector General.
a:2:{s:5:"title";s:142:"StartUp Health co-founder Unity Stoakes said that understanding your “why statement” is critical to getting noticed by financial backers. ";s:3:"alt";s:0:"";}
By Mary Mosquera 08:02 am December 02, 2013
Two sides of the innovation play will come together next week near Washington, DC. What new technologies might emerge?
By Mary Mosquera 10:38 am July 03, 2013
The change pushes back shared-responsibility payments, and gives the federal government extra time to iron out reporting requirements. It may also mean more families and children end up on Medicaid or CHIP.
By Mary Mosquera 08:17 am June 21, 2013
The report, published this week, presents four factors deflating spending and 4 factors inflating the trend.
By Mary Mosquera 10:36 am May 15, 2013
While M&A activity might be more quiet today than some would expect, panelists at a Nashville Health Care Council event anticipate that will change later this year. And one predicted that 2013 will be the busiest year for healthcare IPOs in more than a decade.
By Mary Mosquera 12:23 pm April 18, 2013
President Obama's health reform law is "driving strong demand for innovation," according to a new report that also identifies areas of particular interest to investors.
By Mary Mosquera 10:15 am March 15, 2013
February was a big month, a CMS official said, adding the agency expects those numbers will continue to grow.
a:2:{s:5:"title";s:33:"Humetrix CEO Bettina Experton, MD";s:3:"alt";s:0:"";}
By Mary Mosquera 08:59 am February 25, 2013
Humetrix expands its mobile health information hub to arm Apple and Android devices with access to various Blue Button accounts and, in so doing, moves patients closer to the center of their own health records.

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