Madelyn Kearns

Madelyn Kearns is Associate Editor for Medical Practice Insider covering news and discussion surrounding the technology and business decisions facing practice managers. Follow Madelyn on Twitter @MKearnsMPI.

Puzzle piece
By Madelyn Kearns 08:01 am March 11, 2015
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is betting that new meaningful use rules will become publicly available in time to talk about them during the upcoming HIMSS15 next month in Chicago.
By Madelyn Kearns 08:07 am February 24, 2015
Optimizing EHRs for tablets is the first step toward transforming care delivery. Next up: Covering more steps of the care continuum.
flow chart
By Madelyn Kearns 10:58 am February 10, 2015
For the sake of connected care, it's time to stop thinking about interoperability as "an EHR feature" and start understanding it at the informatics level.
By Madelyn Kearns 11:04 am December 01, 2014
A stamp of approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration doesn't necessarily mean mobile medical apps are safe from hackers. Some 90 percent of Android healthcare apps have been hacked, according to a new report, with 22 percent of those apps okayed by the FDA.
By Madelyn Kearns 07:57 am November 03, 2014
These half-dozen doctors were convicted for egregious fraud, overprescribing and, believe it or not, even worse crimes.
By Madelyn Kearns 09:38 am October 24, 2014
When faced with the fact that just 5 percent of the patient population was responsible for nearly half the money it spent on healthcare each year, Utah's Intermountain Healthcare decided to make some radical changes to keep these most vulnerable patients from falling through the cracks.
By Madelyn Kearns 01:21 pm October 23, 2014
Operating costs, ICD-10, keeping pace with new technologies, and surviving in a world of changing payment models -- those are just some of the challenges of running a modern medical practice.
Tampa General
By Madelyn Kearns 03:16 pm September 18, 2014
To become a member of Tampa General Hospital's IT team, one must have a desire to further technology in healthcare, but also a mind towards patient wellbeing.
Carolinas Health System
By Madelyn Kearns 03:15 pm September 18, 2014
With more than 900 locations and upwards of 60,000 employees, Carolinas HealthCare System gives new meaning to the phrase "go big or go home."
MultiCare Health System
By Madelyn Kearns 03:13 pm September 18, 2014
"When we look back at the end of careers, or when we look back 10 or 15 years from now, we will have been part of the most exciting, transformational change that healthcare has probably ever undergone," Harold Moscho, vice president of information technology for MultiCare Health System.

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