John Moore

John Moore is the Founder and Managing Partner of Chilmark Research. He blogs at, where this post originally appeared.
John Moore
07:51 am
February 06, 2014
To insure physicians were paid for services rendered, EHRs were architected to record episodic events with various codes for specific procedures. Sad thing is that today's crop of EHRs do not even do a very good job of that.
John Moore
08:57 am
December 31, 2013
Making predictions for the coming year is almost a rite of passage for any self-respecting analyst firm and what the heck, from our vantage point, we may have a slightly better view into the future than most.
John Moore
10:10 am
November 19, 2013
A common and somewhat unique aspect to EHR vendor contracts is that the EHR vendor lays claim to the data entered into their system. It confounds us as to why healthcare organizations let their vendors of choice get away with this.
John Moore
08:46 am
November 11, 2013
Certainly Wall Street sees value in Twitter, with its share price sky-rocketing on first day of trading, but is there truly value in Twitter for us out there wandering the Internet ether?
John Moore
08:58 am
February 26, 2013
Among the numerous challenges that an ACO model presents, is the need for more sophisticated IT systems that will support distributed care management across a diverse care team that extends from the primary care physician, to the specialists, to the care manager, the patient and others.
John Moore
08:42 am
December 06, 2012
If it is one thing that the healthcare IT industry doesn’t lack, it is innovation – or it least innovation on the edges. A quick search on Google for health IT innovation challenges will serve you up over 23K hits.
John Moore
09:14 am
October 02, 2012
Recently upon leaving my doctor’s office I was presented with a print-out of my visit summary. Knowing I worked it the HIT space my doctor proudly stated that this was one the ways that they planned to meet one of the menu objectives of Stage One meaningful use (MU).
John Moore
09:08 am
February 29, 2012
Last week we attended the big healthcare IT confab HIMSS in that grand city of sin, Las Vegas. Nearly every vendor we met with at HIMSS had a story to tell about how they had the solution the market was seeking for ACO enablement.
John Moore
08:59 am
January 12, 2012
Admittedly, our predictions for 2011 were modest. So for 2012, we’ll go out on a limb with many of our predictions. Hopefully that limb won’t crack sending us crashing to the ground.
John Moore
08:53 am
December 28, 2011
It is almost becoming the norm to say that it has been another tumultuous year in the healthcare IT market. If 2011, was a bit bumpy, believe we will see craters in the road to HIT enlightenment in 2012.
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