Christina Thielst

Christina Thielst is a hospital and healthcare administrator who has been blogging since 2005. She blogs at Christina's Considerations, where this post originally appeared.
Christina Thielst
01:24 pm
May 18, 2015
Christina Thielst blogs about the power of social media and usefulness for health surveillance and predicting outcomes.
Christina Thielst
12:49 pm
December 31, 2014
An Alliance for Connected Care study, released in December, estimates that virtual visits could save an average of $126 per visit.
Christina Thielst
08:39 am
December 02, 2014
A few years ago, I worked on a HIMSS team to develop a guide for evaluating HIE projects. Now AHRQ has released their Guide to Evaluating HIE Projects to help users assess the impact on healthcare.
Christina Thielst
08:29 am
May 19, 2014
HHS has released a new security risk assessment tool to help providers, and perhaps business partners, uncover potential weaknesses in their security policies, processes and systems.
Christina Thielst
08:24 am
March 24, 2014
Way back in 2005 when I was still getting started as a blogger and was active in the world of EHR adoption, I wondered about their impact on malpractice rates. So here we are in 2014 and the information is starting to flow.
Christina Thielst
08:59 am
December 09, 2013
Here we go again! As I've stated many times before, no pictures in the hospital and no posting them on social networking sites.
Christina Thielst
08:15 am
December 04, 2013
Social technologies are quickly finding their way into care and coordination processes across the entire continuum of health and wellness activities.
Christina Thielst
08:39 am
November 18, 2013
I came across a great example of using social media for disaster preparedness activities.
Christina Thielst
11:13 am
September 30, 2013
Trevor Wilson, a human resources strategist, recently shared three great tips healthcare leaders can use to foster a culture in which employees are actively engaged.
Christina Thielst
11:16 am
September 23, 2013
Social media is proving to be a cost-effective catapult for multi-channel campaigns that, as in marketing, help recruiters target and nurture candidates based on their individual preferences.
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