Caroline Broder
12:00 am
May 29, 2007
A healthcare IT product certification group will for the first time grant certification to electronic health records later this month. The announcement is slated for July 18. As the ce...
Caroline Broder
12:00 am
May 29, 2007
Government posts hospital cost data online In a move to make information on healthcare costs publicly available, the government has posted information online on what Medicare...
Caroline Broder
12:00 am
May 29, 2007
Just in time for the humid Washington summer, the momentum in the House to pass healthcare IT legislation is heating up - or maybe not. One bill, which was expected to...
Caroline Broder
12:00 am
August 30, 2006
Don't look to the halls of Congress for the real action on healthcare IT this month. By the time you read this column, lawmakers in Washington eith...
Caroline Broder
12:00 am
July 28, 2006
Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath did not prompt most readers who responded to an online Healthcare IT News poll to take measures to digitize, back up or share medical records....
Caroline Broder
12:00 am
July 28, 2006
WASHINGTON - Funding for the healthcare IT activities fell short of the White House's budget request in a recent House Appropriations Committee bill. However, the appropriation is an...
Caroline Broder
12:00 am
July 28, 2006
It's unclear whether electronic health records will reduce healthcare costs or improve care, according to a new paper in the journal, Health Affairs. "Absent other...
Caroline Broder
12:00 am
July 28, 2006
WASHINGTON - A federal advisory group on standards for healthcare IT this summer delivered its first set of recommended standards to the government for use in biosurveillance, laboratory re...
Caroline Broder
12:00 am
July 28, 2006
BETHESDA, MD - Four federal contractors this summer outlined various approaches to the architecture needed to develop a nationwide health information network capable of exchanging healthcar...
Caroline Broder
12:00 am
July 14, 2006
A group that certifies healthcare information technology products on Tuesday will announce the first set of vendors to achieve certification for electronic health records used in doctors' office...
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