Alan Joch
02:17 am
January 01, 2011
New software tools point the way toward a cherished goal of health IT : the use of clinical treatment data to help track, analyze and predict the paths of disease.
Alan Joch
04:40 pm
August 30, 2010
Public health labs struggle to connect to a four-year-old network designed to tighten the nation's influenza line of defense.
Alan Joch
12:00 am
March 02, 2009
Plans are officially on track for the from-scratch "center of excellence" that is rising unencumbered by legacy health care technology, entrenched medical practices and antiquated business systems.
Alan Joch
04:09 pm
November 13, 2008
Rural health centers add video-based psychological services for vets suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.
Alan Joch
09:28 am
August 19, 2008
The risks to patients and providers are growing as telemedicine scales to larger and larger populations.
Alan Joch
11:09 am
June 02, 2008
FCC's telehealth fund is spurring small-town and rural health care providers to plan powerful broadband connections.
Alan Joch
05:20 pm
April 18, 2008
The Indian Health Service's iCare is a simple but powerful tool for tracking chronic illnesses in individuals and communities.
Alan Joch
04:34 pm
April 18, 2008
Health IT is helping safety-net clinics and emergency room doctors care for uninsured, low-income and indigent patients.
Alan Joch
03:36 pm
January 28, 2008
State pandemic planners are grappling with the technical and cultural challenges of sharing information with the federal government
Alan Joch
02:41 pm
November 01, 2007
Can the software giant's design tools help bring a consistent look and feel to health care applications?
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