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Orlando's lovely weather has already been a buzzworthy HIMSS11 topic -- especially for those of us who left behind snow and blistering cold to be here.
Click the photos in this slideshow to enlarge them.
In one of the first networking sessions of HIMSS11, VIP speaker Danny Vargas, president of VARCom Solutions, helped to launch the HIMSS Latino Initiative on Sunday afternoon. The panel discussion addressed health IT adoption and barriers within the Hispanic community.
An attendee catches some one-on-one time with C. Martin Harris, MD, after his morning session on "Approaches to Achieving Meaningful Use."
Aneesh Chopra, chief technology office of the United States, and Farzad Mostashari, ONC's deputy national coordinator for programs and policy, led the afternoon Health IT Venture Fair session, "How HITECH and ACA Are Driving Innovation Opportunities for the Market with Interactive Discussion."
Attendees in the audience for Chopra's and Mostashari's discussion.
Jacqueline Willis, chief clinical information office for Adventist Health System, discusses care quality in the session, "Innovative Nursing Informatics Leadership Roles."
Members of the audience at the Innovative Nursing Informatics Leadership Roles session.
Attendees peruse the literature available in the HIMSS Bookstore.