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iTriage, a free iPhone app developed by Healthagen, achieves what few medical apps do: It's appropriate for care providers and patients alike.
While primarily geared toward patient self diagnosis prior to a physician visit, iTriage offers much more. In addition to large amounts of medical information, iTriage has a 911 function for iPhone users.
The main screen of iTriage 2.0 sports a nice layout and clear menu. The large text and option buttons make usage smooth and the contents easy to navigate. Each key provides a different search options, helping the user to narrow down the large amount of information to quickly find the appropriate collection of possible diagnoses.
From a patient perspective, it's easy to find specific symptoms with the alphabetical list provided. The list includes hundreds of symptoms from basic chest pain to confusion and hallucinations. By clicking on the symptoms, the app provides possible causes (disorders/diseases), descriptions and treatments.
From the physician perspective, this app could be a very helpful CDS tool. During a patient visit, physicians could use the app to explain medical procedures or brainstorm possible causes of patient discomfort.
The "Find a Provider" function is also a great addition to this app. It's easy to use, requiring only a zip code to locate providers in a specific area. Once a provider is selected, iTriage provides a phone number, address and directions on how to get there.
The "Find a Provider" function is also a great addition to this app. It's easy to use, requiring only a zip code to locate providers in a specific area. Once a provider is selected, iTriage provides a phone number, address and directions on how to get there.
"Learn About Procedures" also includes an intriguing average price feature, which is currently being developed by iTriage and the Healthcare Blue Book.