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Sunday morning opened with the Nordic eHealth Exchange. The Nordic eHealth Exchange is a unique program specifically tailored for healthcare IT professionals from both the public and private sectors in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.
Jazz music and swing dancing awaited attendees at the speakeasy-themed HIMSS15 opening reception.
On Sunday the app was filled with posts documenting thousands of individual journeys to Chicago.
The HIMSS15 excitement spilled into the streets of Chicago and was not limited to just human attendees.
What would HIMSS Annual Conference be without creepy hospital mannequins? This particular one suffered a long day of experimental spinal surgery.
It's never too early to start planning for HIMSS16.
With attendance at HIMSS15 equal to the capacity of Wrigley Field during a cubs game plenty of attendees sought out rest and relaxation.
The HIMSS Media team celebrated a successful Revenue Cycle Solutions Summit on Sunday, which saw over 200 healthcare professionals gather to discuss the changing healthcare landscape.