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HIMSS12 is coming to a close and it has been an event to remember. View this slideshow of some scenes from day three as you prepare to say farewell to Sin City.
Introducing Farzad Mostashari, at the keynote address.
Click on the images to enlarge. [See also: HIMSS12 in photos: Monday; Tuesday Part I; Tuesday Part II; Wednesday Part I and Wednesday Part II]
Farzad Mostashari comes on to the stage to deliver his keynote speech.
A savvy audience member wears a unique contraption so that he can watch the keynote and record it at the same time.
During his keynote address, Mostashari noted how much progress has been made with EHRs in the past two years.
Audience members at the keynote address.
Mostashari spotlighted innovation and change during his keynote address.
Attendees at the keynote address listened intently to Mostashari’s expressive speech.
Attendees watch a product demonstration in the Exhibit Hall.
Attendees share a discussion on the show floor.
Elizabeth Holland, Robert Anthony, Travis Broome and Jessica Kahn were part of a panel discussion focused on Stage 2.
Robert Anthony speaks at the session, “Focus on Meaningful Use Stage 2.”
The HIMSS12 Exhibit Hall is a great place to collaborate with colleagues and new acquaintances alike.
The Exhibit Hall is abuzz with activity.