Government-level value-based care report highlights challenges and lessons for APAC

Representatives of governments and regional health authorities from nine APAC countries discussed the shift toward patient-centric, value-based care.
By Thiru Gunasegaran
03:20 AM

Photo by Nitat Termmee/Getty Images

HIMSS has released a report covering key points from a government roundtable on value-based care.


The APAC Value-Based Care Government Roundtable Report features five primary takeaways from a virtual roundtable held on 17 November. It was attended by attended by representatives from governments and regional health authorities from nine Asia-Pacific countries, including Australia, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Japan, Pakistan, the Philippines, Taiwan and Thailand.


Each country faces its unique set of challenges in transitioning toward patient-centric models that prioritise value over volume. In light of the pandemic, healthcare institutions are under increasing strain, leading to burnout and reduced quality of care for patients with non-communicable and chronic conditions. Countries with fragmented health systems also struggle to adopt digital transformations and lack proper records to measure value-based care outcomes.

It was agreed that the integration of a consolidated health system nationwide and engagement of the population in their health are key determinants to the success of value-based care. The report also suggests that digital health tools and an established health data collection system are essential to delivering value-based care long-term. Meanwhile, countries with established data maturity should still push toward developing more advanced healthcare systems.

Read the full report here.

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