HIMSS seeks reviewers for HIMSS21 education sessions
In its yearly request for HIMSS members to review and recommend proposals, within their areas of expertise, that have been submitted for the HIMSS Global Health Conference & Exhibition, HIMSS has put out a new call for education session reviewers.
The goal is to maximize the quality of education offered to conference attendees, according to HIMSS, parent company of Healthcare IT News. Typically, some 200 subject matter experts review proposals each year.
Led by the HIMSS Global Health Conference Education Committee, review teams will meet to evaluate proposals – each assessed by at least three reviewers, based on several criteria.
The Postgraduate Institute for Medicine, HIMSS' continuing education credit partner, helps ensure the process and selections meet necessary standards for continuing medical and nursing education credits, and assigns CME and/or CNE credits as appropriate.
Reviewers who wish to help should be current HIMSS members (a member number is required to submit the application) and demonstrate subject matter expertise in one or more HIMSS21 topic categories. A current resume should also be submitted with a completed reviewer application.
HIMSS notes that reviewers are selected on a first-come, first-served basis, no more than five reviewers will be selected from the same organization and reviewers must be unbiased in reviewing, scoring and recommending proposals
Among the benefits to being a reviewer: points toward HIMSS Senior/Fellow advancement and CPHIMS/CAHIMS certification; the chance to mentor speakers through the presentation preparation process; and a $100 non-transferrable discount toward the HIMSS Global Health Conference & Exhibition registration fee.
HIMSS members who are interested can learn more here, or contact Debra Clough, manager of Global Health Conference education at HIMSS, at dclough@himss.org