#HITSECURITY Twitter chat to zero-in on state of healthcare cybersecurity

With cyberattacks continuing to plague the healthcare sector, two cybersecurity experts will highlight some of the challenges to security and best practices in a Twitter chat Aug. 24.
By Jessica Davis
09:28 AM

Ahead of September’s Healthcare Security Forum, Healthcare IT News will be hosting a Twitter chat on Aug. 24 to explore the current healthcare cybersecurity landscape. The discussion will be moderated by Healthcare IT News’ Associate Editor Jessica Davis (@JessieFDavis).

Kicking off at 3 p.m., the event will feature two security experts:

  • Lee Kim (@lkimcissp), director of privacy and security for HIMSS North America
  • Matt Fisher (@Matt_R_Fisher), healthcare compliance and corporate partner of Mirick O’Connell

Last year was a wakeup call for the healthcare sector, with more than 27 million healthcare records stolen in 2016 across 450 reported data breaches. And 26.8 percent of these were caused by ransomware, hacking or malware, according to the 2016 Protenus 2016 healthcare data report.

And this year isn’t fairing much better: The latest Protenus reporting found at the current rate 2017 will exceed last year with more than one health data breach per day.

Combined with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Care Industry Cybersecurity Task Force report that found three out of four healthcare organizations operate without a designated security person, now is the time for healthcare to rapidly improve its cybersecurity posture.

The chat will highlight these challenges and some of the major cybersecurity questions facing the healthcare sector:

  • What tips do you have for being vigilant in the face of an international cyberattack?
  • What are some best practices to increase cybersecurity awareness among non-IT staff in your organization?
  • How are you building a culture of holistic security within your organization?
  • With the severe cybersecurity talent shortage facing the industry, do you have some suggestions on how to recruit and retain qualified personnel?

RSVP for the event by adding the Twitter chat to your calendar.

Have some pre-chat thoughts and insights of your own? Share on Twitter using #HITSECURITY before the event on Aug. 24.

Twitter: @JessieFDavis
Email the writer: jessica.davis@himssmedia.com

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