Virtustream launches healthcare cloud platform, lets providers pay for what they use

Virtustream, a Dell Technologies business, introduced a new healthcare cloud platform on Wednesday at the Dell EMC World conference in Las Vegas.
The Virtustream Healthcare Cloud, built on Virtustream Enterprise Cloud, provides hosting for critical healthcare platforms and applications in an HIPAA/HITECH-compliant environment, the company said.
It is designed for the highly secure, highly compliant, complex IT applications that are prevalent in healthcare, company executives said. They also call attention to Virtustream’s consumption-based pricing model that ensures clients pay only for what they use.
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The Virtustream Healthcare Cloud is the most recent among many cloud offerings on the market. A recent HIMSS Analytics Cloud Survey, found that 83 percent of IT healthcare organizations are already using some form of cloud services.
There are offerings from Amazon, Google, IBM, Microsoft and Verizon, to name just a few competing in healthcare as well as in other sectors.
“Today’s healthcare sector faces many pressure points,” Michael Hoch, vice president at Virtustream, said in a statement. “Providers must modernize their IT infrastructure to support their evolving clinical care and patient management systems, while aging infrastructure and limited staff mean they’re often completely consumed with managing legacy day-to-day operations.”
This new offering, he said, would give healthcare organizations optimal cloud infrastructure and managed services needed to manage all of the categories of critical applications including EHRs, ERP systems, workforce management systems, precision medicine platforms, and picture archive and communication systems – PACS.
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