IBM Watson partners with MedyMatch to put artificial intelligence to work on stopping brain bleeds

MedyMatch brings deep vision algorithms that combine medical knowledge with AI for clinical decision support.
By Bernie Monegain
11:04 AM

IBM Watson Health and Israel-based MedyMatch Technology are joining their AI forces in hospital emergency rooms to help doctors detect intracranial bleeding resulting from head trauma and stroke.

The companies said they will develop interoperability between MedyMatch’s application and IBM Watson Health Imaging’s offerings, and IBM will distribute the MedyMatch brain bleed detection application through its sales channels.

The MedyMatch algorithm uses deep learning, machine vision, patient data and clinical insights to automatically highlight for a physician areas that might indicate the potential presence of cerebral bleeds. 

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“The opportunity to license our deep vision application to IBM Watson Health creates a unique value proposition in healthcare,” MedyMatch Chairman and CEO Gene Saragnese said in a statement. “Engaging closely with IBM allows for a near-zero footprint implementation at a customer location delivering AI to the bedside, where I believe the future of healthcare lies.”

Michael Lev, MD, director of emergency radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital, said MedyMatch’s first algorithms for CT detection of intracranial bleeds represent “the confluence of physician know-how and artificial intelligence clinical support.”

According to the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association, stroke is the fourth leading cause of death and one of the top causes of preventable disability in the United States. It affects 4 percent of the U.S. adults. By 2030, forecasts show there will be approximately 3.4 million stroke victims annually in the U.S. 

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