HIMSS17 government and policy sessions: What not to miss

Our guide to navigating policy events at the 2017 HIMSS Annual Conference & Exhibition, which includes a Federal Health IT booth and a wide range of educational sessions.
By Jessica Davis
08:03 AM

With what can only be described as an unexpected election result, the healthcare industry is bracing for whatever might be in store for governmental agencies - and how the Trump administration will impact the industry as a whole.

HIMSS17 will have more than a fair share of events and education sessions that will dive into the current progress and the future of current initiatives, when it kicks off in Orlando on February 19 - just one month after the inauguration.

A Federal Health IT Solutions Pavilion located in Booth 230 of Hall A will serve as the hub for all things government: resources, displayed products and educational sessions in the pavilion’s theater throughout the conference.

Here are the government sessions that shouldn’t be missed:

Political perspectives on America’s future: John Boehner keynote
John Boehner, former Speaker of the House of Representatives, currently works as a strategic advisor at Washington, DC-based law firm Squire Patton Boggs, known for its lobbying work. During his keynote, he’ll draw upon his years in Congress and where America is headed under the new administration.
When: February 23, 8:30AM - 10AM
Where: Valencia Ballroom

MACRA Prep in underserved populations with data-centric HIE
Leaders from Georgia Health Information Technology Extension Center and Liaison Healthcare Informatics will discuss MACRA requirements and potential challenges for rural and urban health providers in underserved communities. Attendees will also gain insights on how to meet MACRA requirements and health information exchanges serving those communities.
Speakers: Dominic Mack, MD, executive medical director, Georgia Health Information Technology Extension Center
Gary Palgon, vice president, Liaison Healthcare Informatics
When: February 23, 12PM - 1PM
Where: Room 304A

MIPS: Quality and cost
CMS leaders will talk about the four Merit-based Incentive Programs categories, including key deadlines, how each performance category is weighted and reporting requirements. There will also be time dedicated to attendee engagement and feedback.
Speakers: TBD
When: February 22, 8:30AM - 9:30AM
Where: Room 230A

ONC health IT policy update
ONC leaders will present recent policy activities underway at the organization including the 2015 Edition Health IT Certification criteria and how certification supports the Quality Payment Program providers, alternative payment models and care settings. Attendees will also hear updates on future health IT policy initiatives.
Speakers: TBD
When: February 21, 8:30AM - 9:30AM
Where: Room 230A

CMS Quality Payment Program overview
Leaders from CMS will provide an overview of the Quality Payment Program, including participation options, how to choose a participation pace in the transitional year, bonus payments, reporting periods and alternative payment models. Attendees will also have time to provide feedback and engage with the speakers.
Speakers: TBD
When: February 21, 10AM - 11AM
Where: Room 230A

What’s all the fuss about bundled payments?
Lahey Health executives discuss Bundled Payment Care Improvement, a viable tool for improving patient care at a lower cost. They’ll discuss implementation methodology, challenges to information exchange and the steps need to incorporate a longitudinal patient record access.
Speakers: Cathy Bell, director, Bundled Payments Initiative, Lahey Health
Lorraine Chapman, EHR program director, Lahey Health
When: February 23, 12PM - 1PM
Where: Room 204A

Congressional Forum
Key Senate and Congressional staffers will discuss health IT and issues that include an in-depth conversation on the government’s health IT priorities and its agenda for Congressional action.
Speakers: TBD
When: February 21, 10AM - 11AM
Where: Room 311E

Standards and technology updates from ONC
Leaders from ONC’s Office of Standards and Technology will discuss their progress and updates to the ONC Health IT Certification Program operations. They’ll also discuss health IT testing resources, ingoing pilot activities, standards coordination and ONC’s innovation-orientation projects.
Speakers: TBD
When: February 21, 11:30AM - 12:30PM
Where: Room 230A

Efforts to assist providers and patients in using health IT for high quality care
ONC leaders will outline the organization’s tools and resources available to providers in the care delivery process with a focus on population health, workforce training, interoperability and patient engagement.
Speakers: TBD
When: February 22, 10AM - 11AM
Where: Room 230A

Value-based care delivery: The march to MACRA and beyond
Leaders from ONC and CMS will talk about value-based care initiatives and provide insights on the importance.
Speakers: Jon White, MD, Acting National Coordinator, ONC
Kate Goodrich, MD, Director of the Center for Clinical Standards and Quality, CMS
When: February 21, 5:30PM - 6:30PM
Where: Room 320, Chapin Theater

HIPAA privacy and security - Lessons from 2016 and what’s next in 2017
This session will provide an overview of HIPAA enforcement and policy developments from the past year, including lessons learned from 2016’s audits and OCR’s HIPAA case investigations. OCR’s Deputy Director will also provide an overview of what providers and other stakeholders can expect the office to focus on this year.
Speaker: Deven McGraw, deputy director, Health Information Privacy, HHS Office for Civil Rights
When: February 20, 10:30AM - 11:30AM
Where: Room 307A

The future of delivery system reform
A CMS Leader will talk about the current state of quality programs, while outlining possible changes, opportunities and the future of the programs.
Speaker: Kate Goodrich, MD, Director of the Center for Clinical Standards and Quality, CMS
When: February 20, 10:30AM - 11:30AM
Where: Room 230A

Promoting healthcare industry cybersecurity: The role of HHS
An HHS leader will present the organization’s mission when it comes to private sector cybersecurity and the role of the Healthcare Industry Cybersecurity Task Force. Attendees will gain access to resources designed to help the healthcare industry strengthen its security measures.
Speaker: Steve Curren, director, Division of Resilience, Office of Emergency Management, HHS
When: February 20, 12PM - 1PM
Where: Room 307A

Health information technology - enabling joint readiness
A leader from the Defense Health Agency will discuss the ways health IT is delivering value to the Military Health System through its implementation and management. He’ll talk about the importance changes and the direction of the MHS health IT services, as well as the role of integrated healthcare delivery.
Speaker: Colonel Richard Terry, acting CIO, director, Military Health System, Defense Health Agency
When: February 20, 10:30AM - 11:30AM
Where: Room 311A

ONC Town Hall
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology’s leadership team will head an interactive session on the organization’s current work to advance the national health IT agenda. ONC will provide an open dialogue with the audience on ongoing work to support interoperability and other key initiatives.
Speaker: TBD
When: February 20, 12PM - 1PM
Where: Room 230A 

HIMSS17 runs from Feb. 19-23, 2017 at the Orange County Convention Center.

This article is part of our ongoing coverage of HIMSS17. Visit Destination HIMSS17 for previews, reporting live from the show floor and after the conference.

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