Get to know Linda Stotsky: She writes poetry, sticks up for the underserved and loves … boxing?

The social media star also tells us her pet peeves, and reveals her favorite health IT hero and why she picked him. 

Linda Stotsky has dominated the #HIT100 list, served as a Social Media Ambassador at past HIMSS conferences, and amassed a Twitter following more than 16,000 strong.

Stotsky, aka @EMRanswers, is the President of LSC Healthcare Consultants in Nashville, Tennessee.

Healthcare IT News asked the industry veteran what she is anticipating at HIMSS17 in Orlando in February – and also posed a few personal questions to uncover some things not even her devout Twitter followers would know about her.

Q: What are you most looking forward to at HIMSS17?
My focus is always on two things at HIMSS: networking and education. I’m anxious to attend the "Women in HIT" sessions, and to see friends and colleagues. In addition, I love learning about new, emerging technologies that connect the space between people and product. HIMSS17 provides the best opportunity to be introduced to processes that may bridge this connectivity gap. I always leave tired but with a renewed passion to learn more.

Q: What issues are top-of-mind for your social media followers?
A common thread for my followers is how to include the patient voice in the design and usability of systems and services as we move forward, and how this translates to patient involvement in the communities we serve. Everyone is also concerned about the changes that may occur as a result of the election, as we brace for restructuring or possible dissolution of the Affordable Care Act.  

Q: Who's your favorite healthcare hero? Why?
I have so many favorites, but if I have to choose one, I would say Rasu Shrestha MD, chief innovation officer at UPMC; @RasuShrestha. He gets it. He is a shining example of design thinking in healthcare, as well as an active participant in patient centered care initiatives. Healthcare transformation requires physician leaders with collaborative mindsets. Rasu promotes a transformative process while maintaining a focus on simplicity. He never loses sight of an opportunity to learn more, fear less and reach farther as a global community.

Q: What's your pet peeve? Either on- or off-line?
People who cut in line, chew with their mouths open, or speak with bad grammar. Triple threat. It's difficult to detect online but when this happens, I have to leave.

Q: What is something your social media followers do not know about you? 
Something most people would never imagine is my love for boxing. My Dad was a featherweight boxer for a brief time and I grew up watching the Friday Night Fights. The end of an era of great boxing. Being mostly vegetarian and a peacenik, I avoid confrontation, write poetry and stand up for the underserved — but there's still something about a great right hook that captivates me. 

This article is part of our ongoing coverage of HIMSS17. Visit Destination HIMSS17 for previews, reporting live from the show floor and after the conference.

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