BEST Hospital IT Departments nominations now open

By Healthcare IT News Staff
09:12 AM
For the fourth year in a row, Government Health IT's sister publication, Healthcare IT News is conducting an in-depth survey of health IT departments in the U.S. The survey, based on employees'responses, helps determine the best places to work and helps draw top candidates to your facility.
Nominations will be accepted from April 23 - May 23. Based on data gathered from anonymous employee surveys, Healthcare IT News will publish an October 2014 special report, in print and online, profiling the top IT departments, exploring those qualities that make them exceptional.
"The Best Hospitals program provides a great opportunity to recognize IT staffs for all their hard work, and the winners deserve kudos for creating workplaces where employees thrive while working incredibly hard, said Mike Moran, program director. “It’s also a legitimate seal of approval and helps give hospitals an edge for retaining and recruiting top talent."
In 2013, 107 hospitals participated in the BEST Hospitals program, with 5,557 IT employees completing the anonymous online survey.
“Trinitas Regional Medical Center was extremely pleased to be chosen Best IT Department in 2013,” said Judy Comitto, vice president and CIO of the Elizabeth, N.J. facility. “It created a sense of camaraderie not just in IT but amongst all departments in the hospital. And it created quite the media buzz in New Jersey!”
The Best Hospitals program includes four category sizes: small (0-25 IT employees), medium (26-75 IT employees), large (76-199 IT employees) and super (200+ IT employees). Hospital IT employees evaluate their departments on seven key measures of workplace satisfaction:
  • Day-to-day work
  • IT work unit
  • Workplace culture
  • Senior management and organizational leadership
  • Professional development and advancement
  • Direct supervisor or manager
  • Compensation benefit, and employee recognition
"It was quite an honor to be named by Healthcare IT News as a Best IT department,” said Jessican Dalheim, IS supervisor at Blessing Hospital in Quincy, Ill., a 2013 best hospital winner. “It was announced at a organizational meeting and received with cheers from the crowd. It's so awesome to have an achievement we can share."
All IT departments that qualify for Where to Work: BEST Hospital IT Departments receive a free benchmark report. The report shows how a hospital IT department scored in the seven key categories compared with other departments in the program.
Nominate your department here.
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