MGMA12 wrap-up: New mission, vision and values

By Roberta Mullin
08:08 AM

It has been ten months since the merger of the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) and the American College of Medical Practice Executives (ACMPE). The organization reports a combined membership of 22,500. They will have co-board chairs for the remainder of this year and then elect its first single chair board after that. They also have a new strategic plan, mission, vision, and values.

Mission: Elevate the performance of medical practice leaders and their organizations by connecting members, building partnerships, setting the standards for certification, advocating for physician practice and providing innovative solutions.

Vision: To be the foremost resource for members and their organizations in creating and improving systems that complement the delivery of affordable, quality patient care.

This was their first annual conference of the combined groups. MGMA 12 hosted more than 5100 attendees and 356 exhibitors. The conference focused on “preparing practices for the future whether they wish to remain independent or integrate to some degree”. The four day event was packed with keynote speakers, keynote panels, and educational sessions infused with San Antonio’s famous hospitality, food, and culture. It was all set at the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center on the city’s historic River Walk. There was no lack of Mexican food, mariachi bands, or margaritas.

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Back by popular demand was the MGMA-ACMPE Town Hall. The organizational leaders engaged with members in the town hall format to talk about the group’s new strategic plan. The Healthcare Innovations Pavilion highlighted educational sessions for credit hours. And the Member Central booth returned with more resources and experts.

New this year was the MGMA12 To Go. Attendees will receive a code for one complimentary broadcast that they are encouraged to share with their colleagues unable to attend this year. For more information visit the conference site.

Don’t forget to check out this year’s photo gallery on the MGMA Flickr group. They should be posting those soon. Join the group and add your photos.

And finally, mark your calendars for October next year to attend MGMA 13 in San Diego, CA.

Roberta Mullin is a managing partner of HITECHAnswers, where this article was orginally published.

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