From Healthcare IT News and This Just In Radio Show

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This Just In @HIMSS16: John Halamka

Justin: So I think the biggest thing here, we have a recurring theme for all our guests this year. And that's really focusing on, we want to get best practices and actionable intelligence. But before we dive in too deep, what are some of the big healthcare and health IT trends or opportunities that you're seeing out there? Even with your community at Beth Israel or in the industry.

John: Sure. As Steve just said, it's no longer sufficient to look at data in one silo. We're looking at the patient over the course of their lives. As Secretary Burwell said, we're going to move from fee-to-service to this idea of being paid for quality and outcomes. And that is an imperative to share data from every site of care and make sure we're keeping it healthy. And that means embracing patients and families and patient generated data, moving to the cloud and moving to mobile. So I think what we're seeing in this HIMSS is we're breaking out from intraoperability to interoperability.