Of drones, wearables, and connected onesies
With a small drone in his pocket, and a big bounce in his step, Daniel Kraft, MD, took an audience of about 600 CIOs Sunday back to the future, reminding them that the future is now.
Drones, he pointed out, are being used to deliver medical supplies to remote regions around the world.
Kraft keynoted on Sunday at the annual CHIME CIO Forum at HIMSS15 at McCormick Place in Chicago.
The experienced Ted Talk speaker, Kraft delivered a rapid-fire slide show that included sound effects. The talk – fast, serious and punched with humor – left the audience thoughtful and also laughing at the prospect of a future that includes a tweet pee app and connected onesies. As Kraft noted, the future is now.
Kraft is a Stanford and Harvard trained physician-scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, and innovator, with more than 20 years of experience in clinical practice, biomedical research and healthcare innovation. He has also chaired the Medicine Track for Singularity University since the university' founding.
There are big opportunities for healthcare to switch from a sick system," he said, reminding the audience that "smart phones have only been around for seven years.
"All these things are moving at an exponential pace," Kraft said. "Only seven years into a medical revolution, and now medical students are getting an iPad," when they begin their course work.
Kraft, already bedecked and bejeweled with a smart watch and a variety of wearable trackers, at one point donned Google Glass. He was among those early adopters who tested the technology for Google. He said he believes its best use is in healthcare.
Among some of the healthcare-changing technology he sees for today and in the future:
• Instead of merely swimming in data, healthcare providers are finding ways to make it actionable. Instead of data overwhelming providers – and consumers, it can start to be magical.
• Innovators, providers and consumers are going from wearables to "insidables."
• You can do a digital checkup from virtually anywhere.
• Meditation has been found beneficial for wellbeing, and there is a device that can boost its power.
• Surgeons can print stents at the point of care.
"The future is already here." Kraft concluded. "We're going well beyond the EMR now."