MSK makes push for interoperability
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center is adding momentum and new capabilities to its interoperability and population health initiatives.
MSK will add new technology from Allscripts dbMotion and also extend its use of its population-health-enabled Allscripts Sunrise platform electronic health record.
MSK will employ Allscripts Sunrise and leverage Allscripts dbMotion to normalize and harmonize data across settings and systems, including non-Allscripts technologies, to ensure transitions of care are accurate and secure, Allscripts executives announced in a news release today.
Allscripts dbMotion helps improve care coordination, company executives said, by supporting clinicians' desire to share data throughout their referral networks.
MSK will also deploy Allscripts dbMotion Collaborate Web-based functionality that organizes and displays actionable patient information -- such as test results -- consistent with clinicians' preferences. It provides high-level visibility into patient information across the organization, delivering key data, analytics and insights.
"MSK is entering a new era where interoperability and connectivity are paramount," said Patricia Skarulis, senior vice president, information systems and CIO at MSK, in announcing the move. "Allscripts is helping us meet new challenges in communicating with outside organizations including referring doctors."
[Read about Skarulis in this slideshow: Top 10 women powerhouses in health IT, and here: Newsmaker interview: Patricia Skarulis.]
Allscripts dbMotion aggregates and harmonizes patient information from disparate clinical systems and delivers a comprehensive view of the patient record into the provider's native workflow. The technology can contribute to improved clinical decisions in real time and at the point of care.
Allscripts Sunrise platform provides CPOE, integrated pharmacy, knowledge-based medication administration among other features.
"Allscripts is proud of its long and productive association with MSK," said Paul M. Black, president and CEO of Allscripts in a press statement. "We look forward to helping MSK optimize the breadth of Allscripts solutions, and to leverage increased interoperability and connectivity along with greater analytics."