HIMSS and AHIMA introduce free online ICD-10 prep tool

The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) and American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) have introduced a free online tool, the ICD-10 Critical Pathway for Getting Started – 2012 and Beyond for use by providers who have not yet begun preparing for ICD-10.
Developed jointly by HIMSS and AHIMA, the timeline details steps healthcare providers must follow in the next 20 months (February 2012- October 2013) to meet the ICD-10 compliance deadline of October 1, 2013. In a written statement, the two organizations said they have developed these steps to help providers reach the compliance date by following the steps in the critical path tool.
[See also: AHIMA stands firm in plea for no ICD-10 delay .]
The tasks organizations are recommended to follow in the timeline appear in eight different phases, including:
- Internal impact assessment
- External impact assessment
- Education
- Baseline Budget Formulation
- Business Process Changes
- Internal Testing & Validation
- External Testing & Validation
- Follow-up and Evaluation
The timeline presents each phase with guidance that includes an explanation of the phase, deadlines to comply, and the impact on people, business processes, and technology.
“HIMSS supports maintaining the October 1, 2013 schedule for most healthcare entities," said HIMSS Executive Vice President Carla Smith. "This new tool gives those providers that have not yet started their work a simple picture of the broad steps that need to be accomplished, deadlines to accomplish them, and some idea of the work and impacts.”
“Moving forward with ICD-10 is essential to the healthcare industry. ICD-10 data will allow us to gather patient health information that will give physicians and the healthcare industry improved measures for quality care,” said Lynne Thomas Gordon, AHIMA’s CEO. “Although a delay to ICD-10 has been proposed to by the Department of Health and Health and Human Services, our goal is to remain vigilant in our preparation and make the pathway to ICD-10 a smooth journey for all providers”
The timeline was discussed at the day-long ICD-10 Symposium at HIMSS12 on Monday in Las Vegas.
[See also: ICD-10 countdown begins.]
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