HIMSS11 Session Tweet: Approaches to Achieving Meaningful Use

This HIMSS11 Session Tweet recounts our live coverage of C. Martin Harris, MD's keynote, "Approaches to Achieving Meaningful Use," on Sunday, Feb. 20.
We'll be covering many HIMSS11 sessions and events via Twitter and Cover it Live throughout the week. See our Twitter Tracker page and follow us @HITNewsTweet for more.
C. Martin Harris asks for show of hands: Are you using a certified #EHR? Nearly whole room raises hands #HIMSS11 #meaningfuluse
Dr. Harris also asks group about vendor-provided vs. homegrown #EHR... virtually everyone using a vendor solution #HIMSS11
Dr. Harris providing some very welcome eloquence on #meaningfuluse and #eprescribing in room 304C #HIMSS11
Meaningful use requires you change the habit of keeping a written problem list, Harris says #HIMSS11
Harris: new requirements for including info on ethnicity in the #EHR - are you doing this? few in room say "yes" #HIMSS11
Harris: how about the After Visit Summary? few say they're doing it, Harris jokes that most Summaries end up novel-length #HIMSS11
Dr. Harris has slides everyone will want: concise summaries of #meaningfuluse req's for ambulatory providers & hospitals #HIMSS11 #EHR
attendee asks Harris how to overcome docs' resistance to change- Harris says it must be clear this is true clinical change #HIMSS11
Harris adds it's key that communication with docs is as early as possible and focused on the clinical benefits #HIMSS11 #meaningfuluse