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George W. Bush spoke to HIMSS15 attendees in the Skyline Ballroom at McCormick Place on Wednesday.
Eager attendees wait for George W. Bush to take the stage at HIMSS15 in Chicago.
Attendees networked at the Enterprise Imaging Meetup on Wednesday. The meet up was sponsored by the Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM).
Exhibitor booths weren’t the only eye catching things at the show. Attendees jazzed up the show floor with fancy hats, balloons and clown noses.
Attendees relied on the official HIMSS15 Resource Guide to program their busy schedules. The Resource Guide is the official directory of the conference including all education sessions, networking events, exhibitor listings and maps.
Roy Rosin, Chief Innovation Officer at Penn Medicine Center for Health Care Innovation, University of Pennsylvania, spoke at the Views from the Top Innovation session.
Alan M. Muney, MD, MHA, Chief Medical Officer, Senior Vice President, Total Health and Network
Cigna Corporation, spoke at the Views from the Top Payment Reform session.
Social Media enthusiasts shared tips and best practices at HIMSS Spot.