Even though HIMSS12 did not officially start until Tuesday, there were plenty of activities to keep attendees busy on Monday. From insightful keynote speeches to informative pre-conference sessions, and even an appearance by "The King," Monday was full of spectacle.
Ken Blanchard, pictured above, delivers the keynote address at the CIO forum. The theme of this year’s forum was Health IT Leadership at the Speed of Change: Keeping CIOs at the Forefront of Healthcare Transformation.
Click on the images to enlarge.[See also: HIMSS12 in photos: Tuesday Part I; Tuesday Part II]

John Glaser, CEO of the Health Services Business Unit of Siemens, delivers opening remarks at the Physicians’ IT Symposium.

Alan Abramson, PhD, CIO of Health Partners, talks with an attendee at the CIO Forum.

Attendees check up on the 2012 Resource Guide.

Congressman Xavier Becerra (D-Calif.) was the keynote speaker at the HIMSS Latino Community Workshop. Becerra emphasized the importance of technology in shining a light on the healthcare needs of Latino communities.

HIMSS12 attendees are surrounded by technology. Above, two attendees take advantage of informative screens to plot their activities for the day.

Paul Tang, MD vice president and CMIO of Palo Alto Medical Foundation, delivered opening remarks at the Performance Measurement and CDS Symposium.

Eric McClung, CPHIMS, FACHE, CIO of Pacific Region Medical Command, listens at one of the many Monday pre-conference sessions.

Uniformed attendees catch up during the Monday pre-conference events. Gary Wheeler, MD, FACP, is pictured on the right.

“Elvis” and two Vegas showgirls pose with a HIMSS12 attendee at the Opening Reception on Monday evening. The reception offered networking opportunities with Vegas flair, featuring live entertainment, fine food and cocktails.

Steve Lieber, HIMSS President and CEO, enjoys the Opening Reception with Rosemary Nelson, president and CEO of MDM Strategies, Inc.

Attendees smile for the camera at the HIMSS12 Opening Reception.

The Opening Reception was not the usual networking opportunity, as “Elvis” oversees the proceedings.