Edmund Billings, MD

Edmund Billings, MD, is chief medical officer for Medsphere Systems Corporation, the developer of the OpenVista electronic health record.
Edmund Billings, MD
11:39 am
May 27, 2015
Continuity of care or accountability of care is unlikely without Medicare Shared Savings and Meaningful Use health IT incentives for mental and behavioral health providers.
Edmund Billings, MD
08:52 am
April 30, 2015
What would you call a physician who sewed up a patient’s wound without addressing the behavioral health issue that led to the injury? We might cynically label the doctor disinterested or inattentive; we might sympathetically call her distracted or overwhelmed. But it might be far more accurate to say the doctor lacks information.
Edmund Billings, MD
03:09 pm
March 31, 2015
What's the technical solution for the health IT interoperability challenge? Do you know? You probably should. Chances are you interact with it frequently.
Edmund Billings, MD
01:48 pm
February 10, 2015
In anticipation of House of Cards Season 4, and with all due respect to the show's creators, I think real life is giving us a perfect plotline that includes politicians, corporate interests, their lobbyists and a big fat government contract.
Edmund Billings, MD
01:50 pm
January 20, 2015
A show of hands: Who believes depression or bipolar disorder have no impact on the severity and treatment of a patient’s diabetes and COPD? It's an idea no practicing physician would support. Yet time and again, we act as though mental illness and care can be kept separate from physical ailments.
Edmund Billings, MD
08:26 am
December 09, 2014
Interoperability is the current health IT buzzword because it's the essential ingredient in creating a system that benefits patients, doctors and hospitals. Almost everyone in healthcare is pressing for it and is frustrated, though probably not surprised, that meaningful use did not get us there.
Edmund Billings, MD
01:05 pm
October 30, 2014
Take a step back from the challenges that surround health information technology interoperability and you will recognize that market forces and a desperately fragmented healthcare system make hospitals and vendors act the way we do.
Edmund Billings, MD
02:22 pm
September 22, 2014
As reported last year at HIMSS and by many online news and opinion sources since, physician dissatisfaction with EHRs is growing. Indeed, while this blog post doesn't focus on the broader picture, general physician career dissatisfaction is disconcertingly high.
Edmund Billings, MD
01:32 pm
September 03, 2014
Is healthcare a business? In the United States, the question has been asked time and again but never satisfactorily answered. It's starting to look like Americans won’t be able to duck the question for much longer.
Edmund Billings, MD
02:24 pm
July 24, 2014
So, why is VistA CPRS the preferred choice? In a word, design. The VA built the system with two design goals: improved patient care and rapid adoptability.
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