Mary Mosquera

Mary Mosquera is a Washington, DC-area based freelance journalist covering healthcare payment and delivery reform, business and technology. Follow her on Twitter @mmosquera_news.
Mary Mosquera
10:40 am
February 06, 2014
Consumers and patients are gradually taking a greater role in their health but still are the most under-utilized resource in healthcare. Mobile health devices, sensors and information technology are helping them participate more fully.
Mary Mosquera
11:11 am
December 19, 2013
The Department of Health and Human Services has a few glaring management and performance issues it needs to work out in the coming year -- at least according to a new report put out by the Office of Inspector General.
Mary Mosquera
10:51 am
November 06, 2013
The federal agency that projects the nation's healthcare workforce needs has lagged in publishing updated estimates, leaving the government and industry to base their policies and investments on old data, according to a federal auditor's report.
Mary Mosquera
08:44 am
September 06, 2013
Two sets of new provider alliances demonstrate how Central Florida health systems are reducing costs and deepening care coordination by extending their capabilities.
Mary Mosquera
09:50 am
July 30, 2013
Healthcare providers may face disruptions in their payments even if they are on target to operate using ICD-10 codes on Oct. 1, 2014. Experts advise having up to several months' cash reserves or access to cash through a loan or line of credit to avoid potential headaches.
Mary Mosquera
10:49 am
July 12, 2013
In what HHS says should be a warning for HIPAA-covered entities to take caution when implementing changes to their IT systems -- especially when they involve updates to Web-based patient portals -- WellPoint will pay a hefty fine after personal health information of some 600,000 people was left accessible over the Internet.
Mary Mosquera
10:07 am
July 03, 2013
Bending to criticism that requirements were burdensome and complex, the Obama Administration announced late Tuesday it would delay until 2015 a key provision in the healthcare reform law -- the requirement that businesses with more than 50 employees must offer them insurance.
Mary Mosquera
08:43 am
May 16, 2013
Growth opportunities are emerging in new more efficient and innovative business models as the Affordable Care Act produces a dramatic shift in healthcare delivery and payment, according to financial executives participating in a recent panel. The investment experts also said they anticipate merger and acquisition activity to pick up later this...
Mary Mosquera
07:17 am
April 19, 2013
The healthcare industry has been notoriously slow at identifying methods and tools it needs to reduce costs and improve quality noted a report by healthcare investment firm the Psilos Group, but health reform is producing promising opportunities for investors to fuel needed innovations.
Mary Mosquera
09:55 am
March 15, 2013
With some healthcare providers now into their second year of meaningful use reporting, Medicare and Medicaid electronic health record payments were estimated at $12.3 billion paid to a total of 219,000 physicians and hospitals through February since the program's inception.
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