Why you need to avoid fragmented digital identity solutions

Imprivata CTO Wes Wright discusses the dangers of implementing healthcare security solutions to ‘check the box’ and meet compliance without a holistic approach to digital identity management.
03:33 PM

Photo: Imprivata

Digital identities, or the unique identifiers and credentials an individual uses to interact online, are the most important part of an organization to secure as they can easily become gateways to the network. While many solutions can help HDOs meet compliance and improve security, the repercussions can have dangerous implications if technology is implemented without a holistic approach to managing digital identities. That said, a digital identity strategy is necessary for organizations to bolster cybersecurity without hindering workflow productivity.

Join Imprivata Chief Technology Officer Wes Wright as he discusses how a digital identity strategy ensures that the most vulnerable parts of your organization are secured from all angles.

In this podcast, we will discuss:

  • What is digital identity and why is it the important component for healthcare to secure.

  • How healthcare’s digital environment has evolved to require better identity security and increased regulatory compliance.

  • Which solutions should be part of a digital identity management strategy and how your health system can get started.

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