VA picks two vendors to standardize agency’s clinical decision support

Motive Medical Intelligence, a provider of evidence-based clinical workflows, and Cognitive Medical Systems, a clinical decision support software specialist, will join the U.S. Veterans Administration’s $22 million initiative, the companies announced Wednesday.
Both companies will partner with prime contractor B3 Group with a one-year agreement to help Veteran Affairs' Office of Knowledge Based Systems implement CDS technology into its electronic health records, officials said.
VA’s Knowledge Based Systems are designed to help clinicians provide better care quality, safety and efficiency. By adding CDS within its EHRs and VA health information systems, officials said it hopes to provide clinicians, staff, patients and others with person-specific data in real-time.
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The CDS tool will encompass multiple items and interventions like alerts and reminders, clinical guidelines, patient data reports and dashboards, documentation templates, diagnostic support and clinical workflow tools, according to officials.
While the Veterans Health Administration has fine-tuned CDS tool with its electronic health record, it’s currently in a non-standard, non-shareable format and highly-dependent on specific legacy technology, officials said.
[Also: VA finally gets transparent on veteran wait times, clinical care quality]
“This initiative contributes to the development of an adaptive clinical learning system within the VA and serves as a model for the industry,” Motive Medical Intelligence CEO Jeanne Cohen said in a statement.
“This contract will help to move the VA and the entire healthcare community towards standardization of clinical content and interoperable systems, thereby reducing costs for payers and increasing healthcare outcomes for patients,” B3 Group Founder and COO Brad Palmer said in a statement.
Twitter: @JessieFDavis
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