UK hospital goes paperless

Trust signs pilot agreement for 500 licenses
By Jamie Thompson
02:54 PM

East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust will use Harris Healthcare’s Clinical Integration Platform to create a paperless and mobile clinical environment.

The trust has signed a pilot agreement for 500 licenses, and plans to use the clinical portal to gather patient information from different clinical systems that currently work in isolation. These systems include patient administration, pathology, document management, vital signs monitoring and PACS.

“We have chosen to pilot the use of a clinical portal solution across three clinical specialties with the intention that it provides the technology to enable staff to operate more efficient and paperless clinics in line with the trust’s IT strategy and the government’s challenge to create a paperless NHS by 2018,” said Bob Reeves, head of IT at the trust.

The portal will allow healthcare professionals to access patient data via a real-time, intuitive and comprehensive solution. In combination with Imprivata’s OneSign Single-Sign On the portal will automatically log in to and collect relevant patient information from each of the systems and provide it on one screen. The system will also enable doctors to order standard diagnostic tests quickly and confirm delivery of results.

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