Even doctors who have purchased and successfully implemented electronic health records do not always know what they’re buying until the system is up and running.
The problem: While there are nearly 750 EHR products certified for meaningful use Stage 1, adequate apples-to-apples comparisons of features and prices do not exist today.
Competition is a wonderful thing, said Mostashari, but “classic causes of market failure,” in this instance prohibitively high switching costs, vendor or data lock-in, among others, weaken the competitive landscape.
“We need to create a better marketplace,” he said. “We want as little government involvement as possible, but no less.”
The goal of meaningfully usable, more effective EHRs will help physicians put patients at the center of their own care, said Mostashari, who has been spreading his patient-centric principles since he became national coordinator. On Wednesday, he drilled down into three of the tactics ONC is planning to take.
Building upon his well-established and well-known five principles – good governance, keeping eye on the prize, but with both feet on the ground, using markets to foster innovation, and opening the benefits of health IT to everyone – Mostashari said that the meta principle is putting patients at the center of information flows, literally.
Achieving that means freeing the patient data, empowering patients by raising awareness that they can access their own data and teaching them to learn from it, and creating a platform for innovation, such as the Innovations Initiative (i2), a developer challenge with which ONC hopes to open doors to collaboration and innovation.