Imaging IT leaders affirm enterprise imaging is a prerequisite to value-based care

“It’s not easy to have data governance models, especially when we talk about imaging. I would like to challenge everyone to think about that first.”
09:22 AM

The HIMSS18 session “The Big Picture Made Tangible: Realizing the Value of Enterprise Imaging IT,” focused on lessons learned during the journey to extract optimal value from medical images. Panelists exchanged real-world experiences to simplify and transform IT support of clinical collaboration and operational efficiencies.

Moderated by AGFA HealthCare, the session featured four leaders in enterprise data management, clinical workflow and transformation:

• Rasu Shrestha, MD, MBA, Chief Innovation Officer, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center; Executive Vice President, UPMC Enterprises

• Cheryl Petersilge, MD, MBA, Medical Director, Integrated Content and Enterprise Imaging, Cleveland Clinic; Clinical Professor of Radiology

• Christopher J Gelabert, MD Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Texas Health San Antonio

• Kim Garriott, Principal Consultant, Logicalis Healthcare Solutions.

“Today we’re talking about the value wars . . .Whether you’re a payer, provider or a single imaging center, the reality is that value-based imaging is here to stay,” said Shrestha. “What we’re trying to do is define what value is across the value chain from the point of image auditing all the way downstream to outcomes, then have the right elements to measure and incentivize that value across the enterprise workflow. Enterprise imaging is enabling this journey to be realized. ”

“It’s not easy to have data governance models, especially when we talk about imaging. I would like to challenge everyone to think about that first.” said Garriott. “As you are developing your enterprise imaging technologies, it’s a unique opportunity to start with clean, intelligently labeled data that is going to build relevancy for analytics capabilities for machine learning and a relevance for what our caregivers today are hunting and pecking to find in the EHR. If only we would spend that time upfront on the appropriate data governance models, we can change the efficiency and efficacy of our care, and our time to improved outcomes.”

The complete video of “The Big Picture Made Tangible: Realizing the Value of Enterprise Imaging IT” is available online. Watch it today to learn enterprise imaging best practices from leading clinical innovators.

HIMSS18, Imaging
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