HIMSSCast: Tracking the present and future state of HIEs

John Kansky, president and CEO of Indiana Health Information Exchange, discusses how statewide and regional exchanges have evolved during the pandemic, and predicts where they're headed next.
By Mike Miliard
10:17 AM

John Kansky, president and CEO of Indiana Health Information Exchange – and a board member at both Civitas Networks for Health and the Consortium for State and Regional Interoperability – is a longtime leader in the HIE space.

He spoke with HIMSSCast recently about IHIE and the Indiana Network for Patient Care. He also talked more generally about health information exchange – the noun, not the verb – and offered his perspective on state and regional exchanges: how they've evolved over the past decade-plus, how they've served provider members and their patients during the pandemic, and where they might be headed in the future.

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Talking points:

  • What's new at Indiana Health Information Exchange?

  • How the pandemic has tested the mettle of state and regional HIEs.

  • How have the basic mission, vision and value proposition of state/regional HIEs has changed?

  • How state HIEs can work with other data exchange structures, such as CommonWell and Carequality.

  • Where innovation is happening, and how local grant challenges and federal funding programs are helping drive it.

More related to this episode:

The Indiana Health Information Exchange stays on the cutting edge

The key role HIEs can play in value-based care

​​SHIEC, NRHI join forces to launch Civitas Networks for Health

ONC to offer new funding for state and local HIE innovation

State and regional HIEs: 'Don't count us out just yet!'

How HIEs can improve interoperability nationwide

Kansky: States must rise to the HIE challenge

Mike Miliard is executive editor of Healthcare IT News.
Twitter: @MikeMiliardHITN
Email: mmiliard@himss.org

Healthcare IT News is a HIMSS publication.

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