HIMSSCast: Making telehealth usable for everyone

Amy Sheon of the Telehealth Equity Coalition explains how telehealth falls short, and why it doesn't have to.
By Healthcare IT News
08:54 AM

Podcast guest Amy Sheon, research director at the Telehealth Equity Coalition

Photoillustration by Jonah Comstock

Despite the widespread adoption telehealth saw during the COVID-19 pandemic, many telehealth deployments still fall short of real user-friendliness and provide less than ideal patient experiences, especially for certain populations that might have less access to reliable Internet or less experience with telecommunications.

On this episode, guest host and Healthcare IT News Senior Editor Kat Jercich welcomes Amy Sheon, research director at the Telehealth Equity Coalition, to discuss this important topic.

This episode is brought to you by BlueJeans.

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Talking points:

  • For whom is telehealth not working?
  • Why it took health systems some time to tumble to their equity challenges.
  • Testing devices on the right groups.
  • Community health workers might be the key to reaching difficult populations.
  • The Telehealth Equity Coalition.
  • Other resources available for people making telehealth offerings more equitable.
  • Equity issues around Internet access and digital redlining.
  • What can telehealth vendors do?
  • Policy solutions for health equity.
  • Telehealth accessibility for people with disabilities.
  • Asynchronous communication as an accommodation.

More about this episode:

To achieve healthcare equity, telehealth must be expanded to rural and underserved communities

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Could telehealth worsen inequity? 'Not under my watch,' says HHS Sec. Becerra

Hims & Hers, ATA, and 10 others launch Telehealth Equity Coalition

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