HIMSS makes new appointments to its boards of directors

HIMSS, the parent organization of Healthcare IT News, has named several health and technology leaders to serve on two of its boards of directors.
For its Enterprise Board of Directors, HIMSS named four officers:
Manish Kohli, MD – HIMSS Enterprise Board Chair. Kohli is chief medical information officer at Milwaukee-based Advocate Aurora Health System. Prior to that, he was the first physician recruited by Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, where he served as chief of medical informatics. Kohli also served as director of global programs and healthcare informatics with Partners HealthCare International in Boston and director of healthcare informatics at Dubai Healthcare City in Dubai, UAE.
Dana Alexander, RN – HIMSS Enterprise Board Vice Chair. Alexander is executive director of the Health Advisory at Ernst & Young in Denver, where she leads EY’s Health Reimagined initiative to develop cross-sector perspectives and solutions for transformation and new business models. She has also served as chief nursing officer at Caradigm and, before that, GE Healthcare.
Christopher Ross – HIMSS Enterprise Board Chair-Elect. Ross is chief information officer at Rochester, Minnesota-based Mayo Clinic, and also serves as the new chair of the HIMSS North America Board of Directors. He is a member of ONC's Health IT Standards Committee and an advisor to HL7 and Project Argonaut. He's also held leadership roles at Surescripts, CVS/MinuteClinic and UnitedHealth Group.
Henning Schneider – HIMSS Enterprise Board Vice Chair-Elect. Schneider serves as CIO at, Asklepios Kliniken Healthcare Group in Hamburg, Germany. His past experience includes serving as a program manager at Siemens AG Healthcare Sector, managing projects focused on improving healthcare processes by integrating clinical workflows with IT and medical devices.
New faces at North America
In addition, HIMSS' North America Board of Directors has named new members for FY19. Their three-year terms began on July 1.
In addition to Mayo Clinic's Cris Ross, who takes over as HIMSS North America board chair, and Michael Nusbaum, president, M.H. Nusbaum & Associates, who will be vice chair for 2019, the board also welcomes: Melissa Kotrys, CEO of Health Current; Lydia Lee, partner at KPMG; David Smith, chief development officer and strategist, Leavitt Partners, and Walter Suarez, MD, executive director for health IT strategy and policy at Kaiser Permanente.
Twitter: @MikeMiliardHITN
Email the writer: mike.miliard@himssmedia.com