Enclara Pharmacia integrates with Hospicelink for mobile hospice ordering platform

The partnership offers users of Enclara’s E3 Mobile order management system integrated access to pharmacy services and durable medical equipment management.
By Bill Siwicki
09:08 AM

Enclara Pharmacia, a provider of pharmacy management services to the hospice industry, has integrated with Hospicelink, a durable medical equipment benefit management company. This represents Enclara’s next phase of deploying a full mobile clinical management system to facilitate the ordering and management of pharmacy, durable medical equipment and medical supplies by hospice nurses.

Enclara’s partnership with Hospicelink offers users of Enclara’s E3 Mobile order management system integrated access to pharmacy services and durable medical equipment management. As the single point of entry, E3 Mobile makes ordering and management of pharmacy and durable medical equipment simpler and faster for hospice nurses and clinical staff, the companies said.

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E3 Mobile offers a simple design that can help save nurses time by eliminating redundant entry, the companies said. Further, with electronic health records system integration, E3 Mobile can help to ensure consistent patient records across systems.

A streamlined ordering process enables the quick transmission of orders from E3 Mobile to Hospicelink’s network of durable medical equipment suppliers for fast delivery and pick-up, the companies added.

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Immediate access to demographic, medication and durable medical equipment history, and order and delivery status, coupled with Hospicelink’s proprietary DBM Solution, designed to reduce and control durable medical equipment costs while streamlining operations, enables nurses to seamlessly manage their patient needs, the companies said.

Once Enclara’s medical supply integration is completed later this year, Enclara said it will have a comprehensive clinical offering, including the ability to report on all three clinical service lines – pharmacy, durable medical equipment and medical supplies – from within real-time dashboards.

Twitter: @SiwickiHealthIT
Email the writer: bill.siwicki@himssmedia.com

CPOE, Pharmacy
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