NHS Digital ramps up efforts to create competitive IT framework for primary care

[Leeds, UK] NHS Digital is seeking to engage with suppliers in a bid to transform the use of IT in primary care with the introduction of the new Digital Care Services framework.
This is meant to underpin efforts to create a more flexible and competitive market for IT in general practice, replacing the GP Systems of Choice framework that is expiring in December.
While the final contract notice is expected to be released in January next year, with a total estimated value of £450m, a prior information notice has been published to notify interested organisations of market engagement activities.
“This is a step-change towards ensuring the continued relevance and resilience of primary care IT systems to meet evolving NHS needs,” said Martin Warden, NHS Digital Director of the Digital Transformation in General Practice programme.
NHS Digital said services covered by the new framework would include clinical management solutions aiming to support business continuity, new methods of working, integrated and federated care, and cross-organisational collaboration.
Warden explained:
“The new framework will improve access to GP data for patients and the NHS, as well as enabling digitised workflows in and between care settings to support better patient care.
“It will make it simpler to bring new capabilities and suppliers to market; and provide local organisations and other buyers with more choice through an online catalogue service.”
Last week, NHS Digital announced that all GP practices in London had introduced the Electronic Prescription Service estimated to have saved the NHS £130m during the past three years, except for 18 practices that cannot currently use the system.