More than 591 million EU Digital COVID Certificates issued since June 2021

(Photo by Daria Shevtsova/Pexels)
More than 591 million EU Digital COVID Certificates (EUDCC) have now been generated, according to a European Commission report published today.
The certificate, which covers COVID-19 vaccination, test and recovery, aims to facilitate safe travel for citizens in Europe.
According to the report, the EUDCC has set a “global standard” and is currently the only system in operation at international level.
So far 43 countries across four continents are plugged into the system, including 27 EU member states, three European Economic Area (EEA) countries, Switzerland, and 12 other countries and territories.
In total, the Commission was approached by 60 third countries interested in joining the EU system and technical discussions are ongoing with 28 of these.
The certificates are being used in 20 EU members states for domestic purposes, such as accessing large events, restaurants, cinemas and museums. This includes Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, France, Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Austria, Poland, Portugal and Slovenia.
The European Parliament and the Council adopted the Regulation on the EUDCC in June, which requires the Commission to submit a report to the European Parliament and to the Council by 31 October 2021.
According to an EU Parliament's Eurobarometer survey, 65% of respondents agreed the EUDCC is the safest means for free travel in Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The report adds that the air transport sector has benefited from the EUDCC, with the association of Airports Council International (ACI Europe) reporting total passenger volumes more than doubled in July 2021, compared to July 2020.
Last week saw British travellers stranded abroad as technical issues with the NHS App left them unable to access digital COVID passes for three hours.
Citizens over 18 in Wales are now required to show an NHS COVID Pass to get into nightclubs and many events under rules which came into effect on 11 October.
Earlier this month, Scotland released its own NHS COVID Status app developed by Danish IT firm Netcompany, after ministers declined to join the app used in England and Wales.
Commissioner for health, Stella Kyriakides said: “The EUDCC is a symbol of an open and safe Europe. The quick roll-out of the system, not just in the EU but internationally, is an example of the EU cooperating and delivering in extraordinary circumstances.”
Commissioner for justice, Didier Reynders, said: “The EUDCC system has helped mitigate negative economic effects during the pandemic. It gave travellers the confidence to travel safely in the EU and boosted travel this summer.”
An NHS Digital spokesperson said “The NHS COVID Pass service was temp unavailable 11:45 - 15:15 on Wednesday due to a technical issue with a global service provider that affected many different organisations. After an urgent investigation, this has been fixed and COVID Passes are available via the NHS App and online.”